The frenzy developments of digital technologies has drastically increased the “NoT” (Number-of-Things) that humans are now able to accomplish individually and independently, therefore without the need for others.
Digital technologies have augmented us, and continues to augment us, as humans, in an essentially vertical logic, that is, by giving more capacity to each of us individually, for those who have access to it, on an unprecedented scale.
We do not yet measure to what extent this change has already impacted our way of thinking, of evolving, of living in society, but of course, digital technologies have (already) changed us, centering us more and more on ourselves, on our individuality, on our very own person, moving us away from the awareness of the common superior interest of the collective, and of our human communities.
Paradoxically, the major challenges that we have to address will require more collective intelligence, more exchanges and sharing between communities of knowledge and experience of all kinds, and at all levels of society.
It is to be augmented, in a horizontal logic that we are going to need more and more.
It is digital technologies put to the service – not of more social withdrawal – but of more openness of each to others, that we need the most, so that the strength of community intelligence can help us meet the grand challenges of our century.
It is "Learning Living Labs", that is to say sharing of experience and mixing of intelligence between communities that we need to bring out solutions among those which are only exclusively accessible, “cross” (cross-industries, cross-cultures, cross-countries, cross-sectors, cross-domains, etc.) and which truly have the potential for innovation to continue moving our societies forward, for good.
It's digital technologies that augment human intelligence, in an essentially horizontal logic, in a "C2C" (Community to Community) approach, while increasing our capability and awareness to better evaluate the chain of our human footprints, from input to output to outcomes to impact, in a longitudinal way, that we need the most, today.