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Dive into the vision
of today's leaders 

The Mei Lin Fung Conversation

Chair since 2020 of the People Centered Internet which she co-founded with Vint Cerf in 2015, she stands for building resilient communities applying digital finance, harnessing data so that communities connect in networks,  so all community members can thrive.


She gave the closing keynote at the World Bank/IFC Global SME Financing forum 2020: The Decade of Transformation.


As Socio-Technical lead, in a multi-year project funded by the US Department of Defense, she engaged with the senior leaders across the US Federal system and private sector to develop a vision for the future of health in the US and globally.


As “god-mother" of CRM, Customer Relationship Management she had the opportunity to see how technology innovation began commercially 1989 then became shaped by many forces over the past 3 decades.


She chaired the Bootstrap Core Planning Committee at the invitation of Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the Computer Mouse, who at SRI led the ARC Lab team that was the second node of the Internet. Realizing trends in tech were leading to increasing harms, her training by Engelbart in network improvement communities, led to the founding of the People Centered Internet with Vint Cerf and the building of deep and broad relationships with the leadership of IEEE, members of the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, UN, leaders in Microsoft, SalesForce, Google, Amazon, MasterCard, SAP and others.  


She serves on the advisory council of Govstack, a UN initiative to develop common technology building blocks for government services, also for VentureRock. She is on the boards of moHuman and Design for Change

Mei Lin is a Singapore citizen who has lived in the US since 1982, she is married to an Australian.



Hasso Plattner Institute Fellow 2022

Women of the Forum Award, Women’s Economic Forum 2020

Top 10 Finalist, GEAR Challenge - USA Office and Management & Budgets challenge for citizen engagement for better customer experience 2018

Shortlisted for Woman of the Year - Silicon Valley, Information Age, 2018

Phillip R Crosby Golden Medallion – American Society of Competitiveness 2007

Judge – Greater China CRM Awards 2003-2007

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The Mei Lin Fung Conversation
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Recorded in Winter 2022-2023

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