Is the Metaverse an opportunity for advancing good in our society?
Let's jump on some of the big questions:
The question of personal identification and representation is fairly straightforward when it comes to the real world. It has become quite challenging in web 2. Now when speaking of web 3 and the Metaverse, one might wonder, what will really be the elements that make up one’s identity? And most importantly how to even prove that you are who you are, instead of another person or even bot trying to mimic your existence? How should we foresee the development of this reputation stake, both in terms of authentication, but also as proof that the entity one interacts with is trustworthy and legit?
Submerging into the Metaverse will require evolving security methods to a completely new level. How ready are we from a technology perspective? And how ready are the regulations?
There is no doubt Metaverse will reinvent what a virtual marketplace is, connecting different actual and digital currencies to enable fast and effortless exchange. But how far are we in terms of level of maturity on the path of installing a model as robust as the one we know in the physical world? And when it comes to transactions, what kind of evolutions could we foresee, from a short to long term perspective, in ensuring to develop a renewed robust and trustable global transaction verification system?
Ownership and property can be named amongst the problems to be solved with the Metaverse. What is the challenges ahead in creating a system that will ensure that we are able to verify the possessors of virtual assets in the Metaverse, grant and even more important prove the ownership rights for art, music, videos and much more?