As we see the growing practice of using social network data to segment customer base or user base, sometimes to give a credit score to people, how could we make sure that these practices, especially when there are enhanced with AI, would augment our inclusive ways of making business as opposed to exacerbating approaches that leave some part of the population behind?
The economic incentives for many social media platforms are based on user-generated content. With the AI-generated content, social media platforms would get the opportunity to generate what their user wants based behavior tracking data. What are and will be the changes this new paradigm is implying for businesses in their marketing strategies?
A new standard for measuring popularity is that of the number of views, clicks. This measurement systematically influences what we pay attention to, what is news, what informs us, and therefore shapes our opinion-forming process. How can we avoid the pitfall of thinking only within the limits of what grabs our attention, a limitation that is accentuated and amplified by algorithms, that will get better and better in imitating elements that trigger human attention such as Authenticity, Inclusive language, directed communication, sharing more information, and sentiment?
As sustainability becomes more prominent in public debate and a key business consideration for many companies across all industries, what impact does this shift portend for the field of marketing? Are we seeing the emergence of a new form of competition based on sustainability?