"You have the responsability to learn what your 'Communities Impact Metrics' are. If you are designing anything or providing some sort of service to the people, you have the responsability to know what your CIMs are". -Meme Styles.
We've all heard the saying, what gets measured gets done.
How digital can make a difference in advancing community-based empowerment which refers to the process of enabling communities to increase control over their lives?
How the power of data can help gain control over the factors and decisions that shape lives of many communities, whether being or not being spatially connected, but sharing common interests, concerns or causes, either at local, national or international level?
How digital technology brings hope for community empowerment and can strategically enable acts upon the local vs global inter-linkage while fostering chances to be more equally shared, with sustainability in mind, in the sense that action on one cannot ignore the influence of or impact on the other?
How this should lead to more “capacity development”, as defined by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): an improved ability for individuals, organizations, institutions and societies to solve problem, set and achieve objectives, for the greater interest of society?