Manô Vieira, a 45-year-old Brazilian woman from São Paulo, currently resides in San Francisco, California. Her career began at 16, assisting her father in an advertising agency and swiftly moving up to become an executive assistant by 18. With a foundation in advertising and marketing from Brazil, she seized the opportunity to further her education in the U.S., shifting from film and TV studies to International Business with an aim to help brands expand globally. Manô’s dynamic career includes roles in car sales, database marketing, and channel marketing for major tech firms such as Dell Technologies, eventually leading to her position as a Director of Global Marketing. A resilient survivor of multiple health scares, she has used her experiences to mentor others, creating the Life Coaching 'Ikigai Quest - a 6-month journey to your true north' program, is the Author of the Newsletter Tech Drive Latam, and is developing an Online Education Course to call TechNina to teach Brazilian women, IT Channel marketing and business. Currently, she is celebrating a new lease on life after a successful heart transplant.
Manô Vieira
Marketing Director, Life Coach